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Vaginismus: Painful or Impossible Sexual Intercourse

Posted on March 8, 2023 by Otha Conzemius

Normally, the vaginal sphincter keeps the vagina closed before have to expand and relax. This relaxation permits sexual activity, medical examination, insertion of tampons and childbirth. Vaginismus occurs once the vagina struggles to relax and invite the penetration of the penis during intercourse however, when vaginismus occurs, the sphincter switches into spasm leading to the tightening of the vagina.

In some women vaginismus prevents all attempts at successful intercourse. Vaginismus could even occur anytime in life, even though a woman includes a history of enjoyable and painless intercourse.

The severity of vaginismus varies from woman to woman. Some have the ability to insert a tampon and complete a gynecological exam but cannot insert a penis. Others cannot insert anything to their vagina.

Vaginismus isn't because of physical abnormality of the genitals. Some women wonder if their vagina is too small to "accommodate" a penis, or simply they will have no vaginal opening at all. That is understandable particularly when the vaginal muscles come in spasm because they can give the looks that the opening is nonexistent. These concerns, however, are incorrect because the genital area is totally normal.

In addition to vaginismus, there are numerous of other disorders, such as for example endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and Bartholin cysts that may bring about painful sexual activity or penetration. It is important a reliable diagnosis is obtained so the appropriate treatment could be recommended.

Nonphysical Causes:

The reason behind vaginismus is usually a consequence of an aversive stimulus connected with penetration. A few of the more prevalent aversive stimuli are traumatic sexual assaults, painful intercourse, and traumatic pelvic exam.

Vaginismus could also result from the individual having strong inhibitions about sex stemming from strict religious beliefs or cultural norms.

This disorder will not imply that women experiencing this disorder are frigid. Most are very sexually responsive and could have orgasms through clitoral stimulation. A lot of women with vaginismus may seek sexual contact and sexual foreplay provided that actual intercourse/vaginal penetration is avoided.

Concepts such as for example penetration, intercourse and also sex could cause fear or trepidation in your brain of may a inexperienced woman who may hear stories about painful first intercourse, which in turn reinforce worries of penetration. This fear can compound and develop a pattern of sexual anxiety, evoking the vagina to stay dry and unrelaxed before intercourse.


The treatment of vaginismus is generally a therapy program which includes vaginal dilation exercises using plastic dilators. It is important that the usage of dilators proceeds in a systematic progression beneath the direction of a sex therapist and really should actively involve the girl sexual partner. The procedure include gradually more intimate contact eventually culminating in successful and pain free intercourse. Sex education can be essential to counter sexual naivety and dispel any misinformation which includes been defined as one factor in 90% of vaginismus cases. This education will include information regarding sexual anatomy, physiology, the sexual response cycle, and common myths about sex.

Psychotherapy and Counseling

See a professional, licensed professional. Anyone can call themselves a sex therapist, so look for a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist; one you trust. Make an effort to get referred by your personal physician or doctor.